sports concentration

Crowd cheering, coaches shouting, team mates giving direction and opponents trash talking make it difficult for even professionals to keep their focus.

That is why it is very important to learn how to concentrate no matter what is going on by keeping your mind present in the game and fixed on your goal.

Today we are featuring Part 9 of a series of interviews with Raven Magwood, a teenage author, motivational speaker, and TV talk show host.

Concentration in sports, according to Raven takes practice. This video will show us how she’s able to keep her concentration on hand in her sport and all other areas of her life.

It takes practice to improve focus and concentration. As “successful” as I am, I get distracted very easily. It is hard for me to sit down and focus on one thing for a long period of time.

I can definitely relate to having things come at me from different places. When I have to concentrate, I tell myself, “to spend an hour doing this Raven before doing anything else. Spend an hour concentrating on what is in front of you.

Maybe you can’t spend two or three hours studying, but you can spend 45 minutes, grab a snack and a 15 minute break, then come back and study.

Work out for a few hours and take a break, drink some water, then go back to practicing.

It really takes practice. It also takes time management and it takes prioritizing. It is not something you are going to be able to wake up and do.

You are not going to be able to wake up and say, “Oh my gosh, I am focused.” It is going to take practice, but give that practice time and effort, because it is going to help you do anything in life.

Being able to focus is a key, but it takes practice.

Setting short term goals is something I have to do for myself. I know I cannot sit for three hours straight and do one thing.

I say, “Do it for 45 minutes then when I start trailing off grab something to eat, take a walk outside, and come back to it.”

Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

If you missed the first Part of this series click here.

sports concentrationRaven Magwood is the author of The 7 Practices of Exceptional Student Athletes. As a motivational speaker, Raven started the Student Athlete Pledge in an effort to encourage student athletes to be well –rounded individuals who excel academically, athletically, and professionally.