Personal Development for Business & Life
The biggest gift I received from doing this work is in the personal growth and fearlessness I developed by helping others with the issues I was struggling with.
If you are interested in becoming a Mental Toughness Trainer to follow my lead and have me as your mentor, go here.
I only work with people for a 3-month coaching program. If you are interested in that, set up a time to talk to me here:
Another story that made me who I am today: The gift of pressure
Video Transcript
You are a forward thinker. Someone who knows that the secret to success and happiness is mastering your mind and your emotions. That’s ultimately what mental toughness is and it applies to everything in life. I don’t care how long you have “been that way,” YOU CAN CHANGE anything that isn’t working for you, including your whole life.
I know this because…well, I did it myself.
For Life
I was formerly a Fortune 500 manager with over 40 employees working in an environment where I was constantly told: “Get it done or we’ll find someone who will” I could spend 24 hours a day at work and still not be able to fulfill my responsibilities.
When I decided to go home was completely arbitrary as it surely wasn’t because my job was done.
My marriage was a wreck. I was in debt up to my ears.
My body was falling apart in my late 30’s as I caught everything my kids brought home from school and my back constantly hurt. I went to alcohol for self medication and relief and I’m sure you can guess how effective that was in solving my problems.
One day, I visit my doctor for my bad back and constant bronchitis that won’t go away. He prescribes me an antibiotic for the bronchitis and he manipulates and cracks my back back into shape. At the end of the appointment he says he also wants me to try these “anti-depressant” pills. I say: “No way, that’s for mentally ill people, not me.” He says: “Humor me” and I agree because I was always so grateful for how he put me back together from my aches, pains and illnesses.
2 weeks later, I come back for a checkup. My back is good and my bronchitis is cleared up and he asks me: “Besides the back and lungs, how are you feeling overall?” I answer, “Strangely O.K.” He looks me right in the eyes and says: “Now, how are you going to change your life?”
He said: “The anti-depressants are just a short term boost while you fix your life” I was shocked as it never occurred to me that I created this life that wasn’t working for me. So, I took his advice and went about “Fixing my life.” That’s the day I really began my real life training to be the Mental Toughness Trainer. I have assisted about 1500 people in-person, individually, like you to “fix your life” since then. Tens of thousands more online and through my programs.
For Business
Here’s a short story of my first day on the job as a manager and how it lead to mental toughness. The gift of pressure I ended up volunteering to leave the corporate world during a down-sizing and became an entrepreneur. I hired a business coach and soon started selling my own mental game of golf training program to a world-wide audience.
I moved to Seattle knowing 2 people and built a 6-figure therapy practice there in one year. Since then, I’ve learned from 4 other business coaches how to create the presence online and off that you see now…and I love teaching others what I’ve learned.
I have since worked with countless corporate executives and other high-level business performers for everything from Presentation/speaking anxiety to co-worker relations and everything in between. Mental and emotional toughness in the business world is not optional…
It’s indulgent to wait. Time to act now to own your life.
Whether you want help for business or your personal life, your first step is to enter your email and read a few things I send to you to see if you resonate and/or connect with me and my message. I’m not for everyone. I’m for those that want tools and strategies and also have the courage to clear their mental baggage at their inner mind level that’s holding them back. I’m also for those people who want to know my secrets to creating business relationships and entrepreneurial fearlessness.
1. An audio .mp3 “Get To Sleep”
2. An ebook “10 shortcut secrets to eliminate procrastination”

Welcome to the Winner’s Circle!
Craig Sigl, The Mental Toughness Trainer and Youth Sports Specialist